Diane Mazur is an artist specializing in Paintings, Drawings, Collage & Mixed-Media, Ceramic Sculpture, Wood Constructions & Installations. A colorist, she has worked with many mediums over a long career. Her work is appreciated for its vibrant color, energy & interactive qualities.
Diane’s strong early background in dance & figure drawing influenced her work as she embraced Gesture Drawing & Action Painting. Since 1978, Mazur has been exploring questions about human perception & psychology in paintings that she designs to be viewed from any direction, each direction suggesting imagery to the viewer, the “4-Way Works”. Through the process of painting on the floor, she “hypnotically dances around the pieces”, impregnating them with suggestive associations from each perspective. She throws, pours & squirts her paints, working with different viscosities of oil & water-based paints to get the affects she wants. Some pieces are interactive and kinetic. She says, "Whereas the figure brings me back to our human psychology, the 4-Way-Works approach the Metaphysical content of transformation, simultaneity & reconciliation of opposites.
Mazur earned her BFA in Painting (SMU-1974), her MFA in Painting (UTSA-1978), and did post graduate work in Ceramics. (UTSA-2000-2002). Mazur has done several residencies, received numerous Individual Artist Grants, has exhibited extensively internationally & has run a working studio for over 45 years. She has been collected in many private & public collections.
Mazur married photographer John Dyer in 1978, and they have two children and seven grandchildren. She began teaching college art in the 80’s, and when the kids left home, she returned to teaching(2004-2017). She now works full time producing and exhibiting her artwork, participating in residencies, and running her studio.